Post by John KutheThe Colemans are known for being low end recreational boats. The fill a
big need out there in the market place. ...
Yeah, the "Better than no boat" market, or as I always said "better than
standing on the shore wishing"! ;-)
Doesn't matter to me -- it's just nice seeing boat/paddling related posts
here again! :)
I deleted all the non-RBP poster messages (next time they start showing up,
I'll be doing some targeted filtering), and now I'm only seeing these.
Perhaps we can retake/rebuild RBP back to something resembling itself
again? I know many people have migrated to website-based/Facebook type
forums, but I still prefer simple text-based news reader and email list
formats. When I can find them.
Probably just a pipe dream. That reminds me -- who's Bogarting the pipe? ;)